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Javier Nadal Ariño
Telecommunications Engineer

Connectivity, the business fabric, human and country capital

Apart from constituting a very important economic sector, ICTis a fundamental factor in the development and growth of all other industries, and an essential tool that enjoys mass use among citizens and enterprises. Spain needs to master new processes such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, e-commerce and big data, and the key elements required in the reinvention of even the most classic sectors of the economy. It also needs to have decent connectivity and a digital culture at its disposal, along with a propitious environment to foster the growth of an innovative, flexible, well-connected business fabric immersed in the technological trends of the moment.


Íñigo Herguera
Professor of Economic Analysis, Complutense University of Madrid

SMEs and the international dimension

Spain’s economic competitiveness must be boosted through the development of ICT, encouraging itsuse and exploitation by SMEs and driving the Europization and internationalization of the sector with a single digital market within the EU. Moreover, is essential to plan public (or public-private intervention) to incentivize the rollout of ICT in rural or sparsely populated areas in order to avoid digital exclusion among the people and enterprises of these areas.

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